Humour Archive

Scraps of humour research presented here for your consumption. Comments welcome.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Yakety Sax

Thanx Gnome for posing the question 'Why?'.

That is, 'Why can you play Yakety Sax* to any footage and almost instantaneously create humour?'.

Why indeed?

*Apologies for the lameness of linking to Wiki - far overused (yet highly addictive, and oft useful)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The end...?

Well, the reason I started this blog was to help me start writing my thesis. I have found, since thesis writing has drawn to a close, so has my urge to blog. I think this means: here endeth the Humour Archive. Thanks to those of you who have bothered to read it, especially to those who have contributed to discussion of various topics in the comments.

I s'pose I'll finish off this farewell my letting you know how I went this honours and where I'm headed to next. My thesis, after some contention between the two examiners, was given 76. This, averaged with my course work marks just boosted me over the line into H1 with a final score of 81. Hoorah!

Now I'm headed off into the big bad 'real world' of linguistic research. I will possibly be found in rural Australia studying and documenting Aboriginal Languages. Or I could end up living in Indonesia for a while...

I will leave this site up, at least for a while, so if anyone is interested in future humour(/other) discussions, or keeping in touch, or what I am up to, please comment below.

In the words of my good friend AJ:

Ciao for Niao.