Humour Archive

Scraps of humour research presented here for your consumption. Comments welcome.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

How many types of people are there in the world?

There are three types of people in the world: Those who can count; and those who can't.

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary; and those who don't.

I always wanted to msg Today Today on triplej and suggest for their 'Two Types of People' segment: Two Types f People: Those who ring up the radio; and those who don't. Ahhahahaaha. How witty I was. Humph.

Anyway, this 'type' of joke has got me thinking about something my dad used to say. And what he used to say was that there is only a finite number of jokes in existence (I think he said five), and that any joke anyone ever invented would always fit into one of these categories. It's a strange thought. A finite number of types of jokes. I don't know what the categories are, but has anyone else ever heard of such a theory? Or do you have any suggestions for categories?

The memory is such a distant one. Perhaps my dad was making a joke in proposing such a theory, and I was just too young to 'get it'...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:54 am  
Anonymous Money Making Forum said...

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10:43 pm  
Anonymous deepaksingh said...

Hi, I,m Deepak Singh
I say
There are two types of people in the world.

12:00 am  
Blogger mike said...

10:56 pm  

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